By BERNICE ROSS You're competing for two listings priced at $1.3 million and $1.6 million. Your competition is the other 1,200 agents in your company, and the client is your company's founder. He plans to give the listings to the top two agents. What would you do to get the listings? A number of... |  | A squatter in a million-dollar property. Hostile animals. A sex offender with a lengthy rap sheet. Robbers working in teams. These are just a few of the dangers real estate professionals interviewed by Inman News have encountered while on... Continued » DEAR BENNY: My brother bought his home about 15 years ago. He holds title only in his name, as a "single man." He lost his job a couple of years ago. He is older and is having a difficult time getting rehired. Long story short: He... Continued » InmanNext (, a new companion website to featuring agent-focused news, views and advice, launched today. The site offers videos and written posts from a variety of contributing authors, with perspectives from both... Continued » REALTORS® know that for some homebuyers, good schools can be a one of a home's strongest selling points. National Association of REALTORS® economist Lawrence Yun has an idea for improving schools: divert some of the money earmarked for... Continued » More News Stories Overcome bias in national real estate data Comparable loan data would aid borrowers When to buy real estate above list price Banks taking longer to take back homes with high-balance loans Cast your vote: 2011 People's Choice Innovator Award | |  MLS organizations have plenty of strategic planning meetings, but do many have a strategy? How can you move beyond the tactical time sinks and petty positioning to plot a course that sustains your organization? Panelists: Art Carter, CEO, CRMLS, Inc. Rich Lull, Senior Vice President, MLS Solutions, LPS Real Estate Group | Better than Animoto? YouTube Integrated Editing via Stupefilx You will soon tire of hearing how important video is for your business as a real estate agent. I promise. Everyone is saying it. Quality, length, lighting, content, keywords and mobile compatibility are just a few of the variables that come to mind quickly as important things to ponder. Continued » | | |  | Use our free toolkit to send your buyers and sellers customizable direct mail and email with co-branded tips, Lowe's coupons, discounted gift cards, and more. FREE Direct Mail — 10% off Lowe's coupon Send personalized direct mail with your own message, logo and picture. Learn more » | First Time Home Buyers Guide! Send a FREE Lowe's Creative Ideas First Time Home Buyers Guide. Learn more » | | 
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