ASF 2011February 6 – 9, 2011 Orlando World Center Marriott Orlando, FL  The ASF 2011 program will feature an extensive array of substantive panels on critical policy challenges confronting the market, including securitization legislative and regulatory reform, risk-based capital regulations, Regulation AB II, loan servicing and loss mitigation initiatives and GSE reform, as well as other federal and state legislative priorities. These discussions will feature key regulators, policymakers, and thought leaders from the various public sector organizations with whom ASF interacts regularly, and whose views and actions directly influence and shape the future of our industry. Additional programming will address current business developments and the outlook for all securitization asset classes and product types, including RMBS, credit card ABS, auto loan ABS, student loan ABS, and re-emerging sectors and business opportunities. Speakers will be announced in early January. Please click here to suggest a speaker.  If you are in the securitization business anywhere in the world, this is the conference to attend. |
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