Top 5 Reasons You Should Register for Agent Reboot: - The Innovation: Agent Reboot takes social media, SEO and marketing strategy to the next level – you're guaranteed to leave with new ideas and tools that you can use to make immediate improvements to your business.
- The Experts: Learn from world-class speakers who will inspire and invigorate you. They've been in the trenches and have plenty of tips to share about how they have achieved success.
- The Future: Agent Reboot examines how social media, the web and mobile technology will impact the future of real estate. Be prepared for what lies ahead!
- Market Analysis: Find out how to navigate through the changing landscape and learn how to ensure your success in a challenging market.
- The Takeaways: Gain access to all of the Agent Reboot speaker presentations and receive Inman News' exclusive 30-day Social Media Plan. Plus, get a cool Agent Reboot t-shirt!
There are only 8 Days until Agent Reboot Portland – September 22nd at the Holiday Inn, Portland Airport.  $20 OFF! (use promo code '8DAYS914')  Hot Topics: - Download: Must-Have Tools for the Agent with Mobile Mojo
- From Clicks to Closings: Turning Your Online Marketing Strategy into a Lead Machine
- Mastering Social Media to Expand Your Reach Online
- Lifestyle Branding: Why it Matters
- Case Study: Managing Reputation and Content on the Web
- Maximum Exposure: Publicizing Your Listings
- Going Local: What Does It Take to Win in Portland Real Estate?
Join us at one of these upcoming locations: View all 12 cities for 2010 » Save $20 - Register today for only $59 (use promo code '8DAYS914')  For questions or information on group rates contact or call (800) 775-4662 x128 - The Inman News Team P.S. Check out the Agent Reboot Facebook Page and the Twitter Stream | use code '8DAYS914' Save $20! Price goes up to $79 on-site |
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